Medical Managed Weight Loss
A customized and individualized medical managed weight loss program led by a board-certified nurse practitioner. A realistic plan of action that entails the entire patient resulting in an overall sense of feeling healthier while focusing on wellness. This program will use a comprehensive approach with formulations including oral medications, injections, IV therapy, hormone replacement, diet/exercise insight, labs, weekly visits in person or via telehealth, and most importantly, confidentiality and transparency while offering loads of encouragement. Lifestyle changes start with identifying habits, controlling cravings, and setting realistic goals while being held accountable. By personally guiding each patient on this journey, obesity (being the leading cause of heart disease and diabetes resulting in mental illnesses), is a focal point and mainstay of one on the road to emerging deeply into the foundations surrounding health and wellness.
Tier 1: "Ready to Burn"
Daily oral appetite suppressant (x3 months)
Glutathione IV Drip at consult
Vitamin Burn Boost Injection (x1 monthly)
Consult-Labs (Pre/Post)-Metrics-Action Plan
Weekly Telehealth Visits
Tier 2: "Trifold Burn"
- 3 Month Package with dose increase every 30 days of oral naltrexone
- Weight Management
- Age Management
- Improved Sleep
- Naltrexone 30 Day Supply
- Sermorelin 30 Day Supply
- Lipo-Trim SL 30 Day Supply
Tier 3: "Blazing"
- GIP & GLP-1 self-administered weekly injection (x2 vials)
- Glutathione IV Drip at consult
- Vitamin Burn Boost Injection (x3 weekly)
- Consult-Labs (Pre/Post)-Metrics-Action Plan
- Weekly Telehealth Visits
Tier 4: "GIP & GLP-1 Monthly Option"
- Self-administered weekly injection
- Consult-Labs (Pre)-Metrics
- Notify provider in timely manner for med maintenance
- Monthly Telehealth Visit